香港ホテル宿泊税条例 (第 348 条) によると、ホテルに宿泊する方に課税される法定外目的税(宿泊料金の3%)で、2025年1月1日から実施されています。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。
7 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom
Kowloon, Hong Kong
ファックス: (852) 3160 6999
Eメール: [email protected]
当社は、資格のあるすべての候補者からの応募書類を歓迎し、機会均等に扱う企業です。応募書類は厳重に管理し、ハーバープラザホテルズアンドリゾーツ内であなたの出願動機に妥当、または類似した職種があるかを検討するためにのみ使用いたします。当社から 8週間以内に連絡が無い場合は、残念ながら今回のご応募がご希望に添えなかったものとご了承ください。その場合、送られたすべての個人情報は、速やかに破棄させていただきますので重ねてご了承ください。
Job Descriptions:
Job Requirements:
Please state clearly your position of interest and apply in confidence with your resume to Human Resources Department, Harbour Plaza Metropolis, 7 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom, Hong Kong or fax to 3160 6960 or email to [email protected].
We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates. The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and used only for consideration of your application for relevant/similar post(s) within Harbour Plaza Hotels & Resorts. Applicants not hearing from us within 8 weeks from the date of advertisement may consider their applications unsuccessful. All personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after the recruitment exercise when no longer required.
Job Descriptions:
Job Requirements:
Please state clearly your position of interest and apply in confidence with your resume to Human Resources Department, Harbour Plaza Metropolis, 7 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom, Hong Kong or fax to 3160 6960 or email to [email protected].
We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates. The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and used only for consideration of your application for relevant/similar post(s) within Harbour Plaza Hotels & Resorts. Applicants not hearing from us within 8 weeks from the date of advertisement may consider their applications unsuccessful. All personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after the recruitment exercise when no longer required.